Post 1919: El amor
El Amor... Quizá se trate de encontrar a quien te siga mirando cuando tú cierras los ojos. - Elvira Sastre
OUTFIT: :::WILD:::Fashion Stella Frill Mini Dress
JEWELRY: Luminesse Corsisi Fiera Set OP
DECO: CJ Lovers Garden Iron Bench 25 Single+24 Couple+Props
all copy/mody (Props copy) - comes in RezBox
~ CJ Lovers Garden Iron Bench 3 Prims copy + mody - Props copy
*25 High quality Single Sit ~ for her/him with props
*24 Best Couple Animations (PG) with Props (Champagne)
*5 BestFriends Animations with Props
~ CJ Lovers Garden Arbor with 6 lovely Props as Deco-Scene
14 Prims copy + mody - Props copy
~ CJ Lovers Garden Iron Bench 3 Prims copy + mody - Props copy
*25 High quality Single Sit ~ for her/him with props
*24 Best Couple Animations (PG) with Props (Champagne)
*5 BestFriends Animations with Props
~ CJ Lovers Garden Arbor with 6 lovely Props as Deco-Scene
14 Prims copy + mody - Props copy
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