Post 2223: Infancia
Ciertas imágenes de la infancia se quedan grabadas en el álbum de la mente como fotografías, como escenarios a los que, no importa el tiempo que pase, uno siempre vuelve y recuerda (Carlos Ruiz Zafón)
Come for : Maitreya Lara / Belleza Venus, Isis, Freya / Slink Physique, Hourglass
POSE: SamPoses - Who
{zfg} home in bloom greenhouse full
{zfg} home in bloom tree spirit summer
{zfg} home in bloom azalea single
{zfg} home in bloom azalea double
{zfg} home in bloom white ground lights
{zfg} home in bloom pride ground lights
{zfg} home in bloom green tree
{zfg} home in bloom cherry tree
{-sonder-} Rainbow Backyard Pool w/Water
{-sonder-} Pink Unicorn Floatie
{-sonder-} Rainbow Stripe Floatie
{-sonder-} Pink Polka Dot Floatie
{-sonder-} Rainbow Backyard Lounger
{-sonder-} Rainbow Backyard Umbrella
BSHouse Hot Dog Cart
[Park Place] Bradbury Round Side Table
~ASW~ The Tawny Grown Up Tent Fort
CAKE: <Aphrodite> HipHop 80/90ies Cake
This layered cake delivers unlimited slices of choco, vanilla or lemon cake, with fork, attaching automatically to you, with eating animation.
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