Post 2262: Sabiduría del océano

Pero más maravilloso que la sabiduría de los ancianos y que la sabiduría de los libros es la sabiduría secreta del océano" (Howard Phillips Lovecraft). 

CJ Maritime Bench Set in RezBox (Single, Couple, Friends + Family)

1. CJ Maritime Bench Set - PG
- 7 diff. Texture in Menu
- 21 Single Animations for him/her
- 19 Couple PG
- 2 Family Sets as Animations (using with Toddler)
- 7 Friends with Props for coffee + tropical Drink
Prims: 11 - All copy/mody - scripts no mody (Props copy)

2. CJ Maritime Barrel + Props
- with working Engine telegraph or Lighthouse as Lamp by touch
Prims: 4 - All copy/mody - scripts no mody (Props copy)

3. CJ Little Sandisle - Child sit first (using with Toddler)
(Right side from the bench in Sand with the Buckets!!)
Playground for Parent with Child - 6 cute Animations by sit
Prims: 3 - All copy/mody - scripts no mody

4. CJ Tropical little Isle 2 + Palm
Prims: 8 - All copy/mody

FULL SET IN REZBOX: 27 Prims (copy + mody - Props copy)

7 free Sandtexture in Box to change the ground how you like


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