POST 2454

Imagina que todo el mundo fuese algo más tierno, algo más amable, algo más cariñoso. Con ese pequeño esfuerzo cambiaríamos el mundo de un día para otro (John Kazebic)

DRESS: [Eternus] 

Ruby Dress 

Compatible with: - Maitreya+Petite - Legacy+Perky - Kupra Original+Kups - Reborn Please try demo before purchasing! 



TOY: [Eternus]

Soft Toy Gacha 

Gacha includes 10 solid color variations of the toy and 1 rare variation, which includes a HUD with bonus colors and customizing the color of different parts of the toy. Also included in each toy is a holding pose. The toy is attached to the left hand. Gacha has a transfer permit. At the location you can buy a fatpack with copy-only permission. Have a nice game!

Available at ARCADE



Guitty Neons - Chiqui Pink

Available at MAINSTORE


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