POST 2584

Cupid, a seemingly harmless character but with such powerful ranges and effects that not even the gods can elude them.


Cupido, un personaje aparentemente inofensivo pero con alcances y efectos tan poderosos que ni los dioses pueden eludirlos.



[777] Crazy Cupid (PINK) (rez&touch) - Shoot HEART ARROWs on Command!

A very cute scooter with unique design for Valentine season! ♥

- Fully scripted with ACSv7 and very easy to drive!

- Realistic sounds & unique lighting system (heart aimers stay on with engine)

- Carry 3 avatars with poses & animations


The gun can shoot particle HEART ARROWs on command! ♥♥♥

- To shoot HEART ARROWs, please type ''ilu'' on local/nearby chat, to stop shooting, say ''stop'' - exactly those words, without capslock :D

- Your Particles setting should be on (greater than 0), otherwise you will not see the arrows

- ONLY OWNER can use the commands to start/stop shooting, the owner doesn't need to sit on the vehicle but must be near :D




Food wagon and Sign



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