Post 1366: Teclas de piano

La vida es como las teclas de piano las blancas momentos felices, las negras
momentos tristes, pero juntas tocan la mejor melodía

::TD:: Victoria Gown with Appliers ~ Cream
★★★Formal Dress created exclusive for Elegant Ladies★★★
- Shirt and Pants - Appliers HUD - Mesh Skirt Panels (5 sizes) - Flexi Sleeves 
- Flexi Skirt - Jewelry Set - Flexi Veil 
➠ Classic SL body and Appliers
➠ Slink 
➠ Maitreya 
➠ Belleza 
➠TMP (The Mesh Project) 
➠ Omega

JEWELRY INCLUDED: Hair Jewelry and Earrings 

Heart Homes Classic Piano
New <HEART HOMES> release, the elegant piano, with many combinations for texture changer on the polished wood as well as on the stool fabrics, high quality animations, fun props and over 40 amazing 80s iconic slowsongs to play and have fun together! Exclusive only at Illuminate Event.


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