Post 1744: Sueños
“Si tienes un sueño, no te quedes ahí sentado. Reúne el valor de creer que se puede tener éxito y dejar todo lo posible para que sea una realidad.”
SAS - Trust PowderPink Gown
(Maitreya & Omega)
A delightful airy gown which fluffs around you and - as always - I have included several different styles of skirts for you to create the gown you want to wear.
The Trust comes with:
* Top
* Glitch Full Skirt
* Glitch Full Pants
* Glitch Split Skirt
* Glitch Split Pants
* Gloves
* Shawl
* Flower Sculpt
* Bolero Sculpt
* Grande Flexi Skirt
* Fluffer Flexi Skirt
* Battleship Flexi Skirt
* Sleek Flexi Skirt
* Low Flexi Skirts
* Split Flexi Skirt
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